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5 plugins for $129 USD

5 plugins for $129 USD

Plugin Boutique has announced a promotion on a bundle of tape plugins from Universal Audio. Offered at a 90% discount, the UAD Analog Tape Bundle includes the Ampex ATR-102, Studer A800, Oxide, Verve Analog Machines, and Galaxy Tape Echo.

For music producers seeking the authentic warmth, character, and sonic depth that only analog tape can provide, this Universal Audio bundle is a must-have.

This comprehensive collection of meticulously modeled tape machines offers a versatile palette of textures, tones, and effects, allowing you to infuse your productions with the timeless quality of classic recording equipment.

The bundle is on sale for $129 USD until November 11th, 2024. Owners of any of the included plugins can upgrade to the bundle for $99 USD during the promotion.

More information: Universal Audio

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