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6 creative reverb effects you’ll wish you’d known sooner

6 creative reverb effects you’ll wish you’d known sooner

2. Ducked reverb

A reverb throw is a mixing technique where reverb is applied to specific words, phrases, or sounds in a vocal or instrumental track. Usually, this is used to create a dramatic effect or emphasize certain parts of the recording. Instead of applying reverb to the entire track, you “throw” it selectively to an aux track. Reverb throws often sound tight and controlled, but getting the effect right can be time-consuming. Additionally, a throw may sound too perfect or precise in certain situations.

Consider ducking your reverb if you’re looking for a quick and natural-sounding solution. You can set this up by inserting a plugin like the Bettermaker BM60 onto an aux track, followed by a compressor.

If you’re processing vocals, you’ll send the signal from the vocal track to your reverb aux. Then, route the vocal track into the compressor’s sidechain input to duck the reverb whenever the dry vocals are playing. This technique helps fill space between phrases without sounding as cookie-cutter as a throw.

The easiest way to create this effect is to use the Duck feature built into bx_aura, which acts like a reverse gate. It lets you completely cut audio levels (unlike a compressor) and control how audio is attenuated using Attack, Hold, and Release parameters. These features help sculpt the onset of reverb and avoid stuttering effects.

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