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7 plugins + 4 sample packs for $49 USD!

7 plugins + 4 sample packs for $49 USD!

Plugin Boutique has launched an exclusive promotion on the Glitchmachines Sound Design Bundle, offering a collection of 7 creative audio plugins and 4 sample packs at a discount of over 90% off the regular price.

Brought to you by legendary innovators Glitchmachines is a gargantuan bank of everything the forward-thinking producer could ever need to create, and then destroy, mind-bendingly futuristic sounds.

Whether you want to add a subtle dash of edge to your productions, or dive head-first into the electronic arcane to push the boundaries of experimental sound design, Glitchmachines has you covered- and then some.

Priced only $49 USD, the bundle includes Cryogen, Fracture XT, Quadrant, Convex, Tactic, Polygon 2 and Subvert 2, alongside the Parabole, Syndrone, Vimana and Deflect sample packs.

The offer expires July 31st, 2024.

More information: Plugin Boutique / Glitchmachines Sound Design Bundle

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