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Xzibit Delivers A Part Two For “Been A Long Time” 24 Years Later

Xzibit Delivers A Part Two For “Been A Long Time” 24 Years Later

So far, we have to say that this uniting of Xzibit and Conor McGregor has been a match made in heaven. The Detroit born rapper and multimedia talent joined the UFC champion’s upstart entertainment venture Greenback Records earlier this month. The collective made the announcement on social media, writing, “In the kingdom of hip-hop, only the real ones reign supreme. A legend joins the Greenback dynasty ready to make history. We proudly welcome @xzibit to Greenback Records – the new chapter starts here.” In addition to that shocking but exciting news was the reveal of Xzibit’s first solo album since 2011’s Napalm.

Sometime next year, Greenback will house the legendary figure’s King Maker. Not much else is available in that regard. However, we now have two singles to get into as of Friday. October 11 marked his official return with the epic “Play This At My Funeral.” If you haven’t heard it yet, check it out here. But this weekend, Xzibit is dropping by with a familiar title, “Been A Long Time Pt.2.” On his popular 2000 album Restless, X dropped the inaugural track alongside the late hook master, Nate Dogg. Jenn Em fills that role on this version, and we must say she passes with flying colors. Both show off X’s slightly “softer” side, as his trademark growling delivery is still present while he raps about love and being there for his circle.

I walk up in the room, they still can’t ignore the elephant
I conversate with a candidate
Energy feels great, body shaped like a figure eight
I’m real rough around the edges
She tried to seal the deal, but I was holdin’ all the leverage
Who the hell you textin’ now? Who the f*** you talkin’ to?

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