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How to write a chorus

How to write a chorus

Putting it all together: from idea to finished chorus

Creating a chorus is about blending melody and lyrics into a seamless whole. Start by brainstorming the main idea or emotion you want your chorus to convey. This idea will guide the melody and the lyrics. Once you have a clear concept in mind, experiment with different melodic ideas. Don’t be afraid to try out multiple versions until you find the one that feels right.

It’s important to allow yourself time to experiment during this process. Sometimes, the best ideas come from unexpected places. You might start with one idea for the chorus and end up somewhere completely different by the time you’re finished. This is a natural part of the creative process, so lean into it and be okay with making mistakes.

Arrange your instrumental to fit the chorus

Having a solid grasp of production and arrangement can help bridge the gap between vocals and instrumentation. By understanding the basics of arrangement, you’ll see that a powerful chorus isn’t just about the vocals — it’s about how all the elements of a track work together.

That is to say, you should use arrangement ideas to make your chorus stand out and convey the emotion you’re trying to evoke.

You can try things like adding extra instrumental layers or even stripping some away; writing soaring harmonies over the chorus section; or adding rhythmic pulses to the chorus to add interest. This part is really up to you and your creativity.

On the production side of things, make sure you have all the right tools to help you along the way and let you get your ideas down quickly and efficiently.

Get started writing catchy choruses

Writing a compelling chorus is all about finding the right balance between melody, lyrics, and emotion. By understanding the purpose of the chorus and crafting a catchy melody that complements memorable lyrics, you can create a chorus that people will remember.

Grab a free copy of Komplete Start, hop into your DAW, and start writing a catchy chorus today.


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