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Meris Unleashes MercuryX – Modular Reverb Guitar Pedal < FutureMusic the latest news on future music technology DJ gear producing dance music edm and everything electronic

Meris Unleashes MercuryX - Modular Reverb Guitar Pedal < FutureMusic the latest news on future music technology DJ gear producing dance music edm and everything electronic

Based on the incredible LVX Delay Pedal (See our Meris LVX Review), Meris has released the MercuryX, a modular Reverb system with unprecedented power.

With a Science-Fiction approach, the MercuryX takes the Mercury7 guitar pedal and marries it to the groundbreaking LVX architecture to create what Terry Burton, Jinna Kim and Angelo Mazzocco claim to be “the highest quality and most flexible studio reverb ever created in a pedal format.”

MercuryX combines eight custom Meris reverb algorithms and incorporates those into a modular system UI/architecture based on the Power Award winning LVX pedal. Ultraplate and Cathedra are from Mercury7 and are inspired by the moody sci-fi reverbs featured in Blade Runner. The 78 Room, Plate and Hall structures are inspired by the venerable sounds of a studio classic. Spring, Prism, and Gravity are brand new structures unique to MercuryX.


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