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Save up to 71% on intelligent audio plugins

Save up to 71% on intelligent audio plugins

Sonible has launched its annual Autumn Sale with discounts of up to 71% off on audio plugins and bundles offered for the next few weeks.

The offer includes popular plugins such as smart:EQ 4, smart:comp 2, pure:EQ, and smart:deess.

Where other de-essers just reduce volume – smart:deess goes far deeper and creates a more natural, better balanced sound. By harnessing the power of a fully trained neural network, smart:deess identifies the exact start and end points of phonemes without the need to set a threshold. And thanks to its ability to process the entire phoneme using spectral processing, you’ll never want to go back to your old de-esser.

The promotion is available from the Sonible store and at distributor Plugin Boutique until October 10th, 2024.

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