The world is turning upside down.
I hope you guys are happy. This is exactly what we were voting against last year. The word on the streets of New York City is that I.C.E. agents and other authorities have raided the Bronx. Yes, the birthplace of Hip-Hop is under siege—under the guise of immigration enforcement. They weren’t there for anything positive. This wasn’t about national security. They came for Black and Latino people, plain and simple.
According to my sources, there was no distinction made between who was targeted. If you were in the vicinity and looked “the part,” you got scooped up. No questions asked. One source told me, “They’ll sort them out later.” How is a nation of immigrants rounding people up and deciding their fate later? This is stop-and-frisk on steroids. I.C.E. is doing the dirty work at the behest of Donald J. Trump.
There’s a growing theory that this is just the beginning of something far more sinister. Some believe that those who cannot successfully fight their cases or legally push back will allegedly remain incarcerated indefinitely. From there, it could spiral into something even darker—deportation, forced labor camps or worse. Labor camps? Sounds dramatic, right? But let’s not pretend like the U.S. prison system hasn’t been using inmates as cheap labor since they “abolished” slavery. We already know that prisoners are often forced to work for pennies on the dollar, while corporations profit. The 13th Amendment didn’t fully abolish slavery. The practice rebranded.
The president of the United States— a convict with 34 felony charges—is walking free. There’s more nonsense coming. America: a place where regular folks who haven’t committed any crimes are being rounded up, thrown in vans and possibly enslaved. People in the BX are scared and unsure of what to do with this.
Make it make sense!