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Softube launched Model 77 software synthesizer instrument

Softube launched Model 77 software synthesizer instrument

Softube has announced the release of a brand new virtual instrument in its Model series of software synthesizers. Bringing the authentic sound of the Yamaha CS-80, the Model 77 dual-layer synthesizer offers a redesigned, intuitive new interface for an improved and modern workflow.

Model 77 Dual Layer Synth gives you one of the most influential sounds of our time. It is the iconic sound of Blade Runner, Chariots of Fire, Billie Jean, Africa, and Human Nature — among countless others.

We modeled and accurately articulated every detail of the circuits of three legendarily expressive Japanese synthesizers from 1977 and put them in one user-friendly plug-in. The sound, interaction, and performance remain as close to the hardware as possible, while the complex interfaces of the original instruments are enhanced with an intuitive redesign. Finally, your most-coveted synth has the workflow you deserve.

Available for Windows and Mac (VST/VST3, AU and AAX), Model 77 is on sale for the intro price of $99 USD until October 3rd, 2024 (regular $159 USD), at the Softube store and from Plugin Boutique.

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