About a year ago, Hybe released a new single called “Masquerade” from an artist called MIDNATT, which showcased the possibilities of what it can do with SuperTone’s artificial intelligence technology. MIDNATT, the alter-ego of Hybe artist Lee Hyun, used SuperTone Shift to transition between his own vocals and the vocals of a female singer on the track “Masquerade.” Hybe boasted that is was “first-ever multilingual track produced in Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish and Vietnamese.”
Lee Hyun reportedly sang the track in the six languages, and using SuperTone, “the pronunciation data of native speakers was applied to the track to further refine the artist’s pronunciation and intonation.” With the latest version of SuperTone Shift, users can “immediately switch to their desired voice” from a library of ten predefined voices in real-time, with their voice analyzed for conversion “within 10 seconds.”