What is modular DJing? | Native Instruments Blog
The history of modular DJing When Traktor software launched back in 2000 there were some digital DJ options out there, ...
The history of modular DJing When Traktor software launched back in 2000 there were some digital DJ options out there, ...
Oscillator The Oscillator is the starting point of virtually all synthesis. Oscillators generate a fast, repeating signal that we hear ...
MNTRA Instruments have released a new free modular synth sample library called Reson, which runs in their free MNDALA sampler. ...
Based on the incredible LVX Delay Pedal (See our Meris LVX Review), Meris has released the MercuryX, a modular Reverb ...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlHxX_3fJ-I I’ve been testing out Meridian, the new filter module from Modbap Modular, and I’m getting some CRAZY sounds out ...
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