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The guide to DJing with just a laptop

The guide to DJing with just a laptop

2. Organize your music library

If you’re beginning as a DJ, you may not have much music yet. Start out by purchasing and downloading the music you want to play. Once you have some music, you’ll need to choose a place to keep it. The storage location could either be on your hard drive or laptop. Create one folder where you’ll store all of your music. You may want to create sub-folders in this main folder using genre names.

Import your music library in Traktor Pro 4 by dragging the audio files from your central storage location into Traktor’s track library. In Traktor, create Playlists to organize your music files. Right-click on the Playlists header and choose Create Playlist. Title the playlist according to the music genre (e.g., house, tech house, techno, etc.), an event you’ll play the songs at, and/or the month and year you purchased the tracks.

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