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What is a bridge in a song?

What is a bridge in a song?

What is a bridge in a song?

A bridge is a section that introduces contrast within a song’s structure. It’s often placed after the second chorus and before the final chorus, though it can appear in other places depending on the song. A bridge in music breaks up the repetition of verses and choruses, and creates a refreshing change that keeps things engaging and fresh for listeners.

Functionally, a bridge will often shift the musical or lyrical direction of a song. The melody may be different, or a reharmonization may occur. The rhythm may be shaken up or a key might change. All of this can give the bridge a unique sound.​

You may have seen song structure represented as letters, like ‘ABAB,’ similar to poetry. Here, ‘A’ represents the verse, ‘B’ the chorus, and ‘C’ the bridge. The ABABCB structure is common:

  1. Verse
  2. Chorus
  3. Verse
  4. Chorus
  5. Bridge
  6. Final chorus

While that structure is heard often, songwriters sometimes experiment with other bridge placements. Perhaps it might sound good between verses, or at the very end of a song to create a final emotional moment.

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